TOM | Tom Servers Racing Team
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Post by TomTom Team owner Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:47 pm

Hi friends !

Just specialy for the new members !

Welcome to our team and have fun !
Please dont kick/ban to fast. Give everybody fair chances..also Newbies.
Dont only ban for RT...some racers wich race for years and lock in the first time starts with ..RT from 45 also !
So check   !ex  also  before ban ! Not only   RT !
You will know the standart crashers soon....mostly the same guys..they only come at server for destroyng races and mostly got  RT from 42...and less !
Also somethimes racer are crashing and leaving the server !
You can ban these guys with  !rn   also when they left server already or are offline !

Also we have 8 more servers running !
The best is you save the following link where you can see all servers and the names who is online.
You must klick  "Airo Servers" from time to time to refresh the informations.

Demonaz and mukki are also Server owners so if any questions coming up
you can contact them.
If anybody is interessted for a team car , ask Demonaz.

Also its NP if you race at other servers.
Please make no discussions there with admins and be fair.

We have some members driving without team tag.
So please check   !pl  before kick/ban so you wont kick the one people.
OK so have fun and be fair !
Good Limads can been upgratet soon ..up to Limad 4....
mabe up to Limad 5 (supad)...highest level.
We are at the beginning and it takes time to make the servers more popular.
gretings Roland: fbm 

TomTom Team owner
TomTom Team owner
Team & Server Owner
Team & Server Owner

Posts : 268
Reputation : 3
Registration Date : 2013-02-19
Age : 65
Country : Germany

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