TOM | Tom Servers Racing Team
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Welcome to our server

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Welcome to our server Empty Welcome to our server

Post by TomTom Team owner Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:12 am

Hi everybody !

Im TomTom owner of this server.

Also Brian is the owner as well.

Saez also is ADMIN and administrator.

So most people know me from AA and MRc servers.
I deside to call the server Tom ; because nearly everybody knows me as TomTom.

Every fair driver is welcome on our servers.

Also we are looking for limads FBM and the other servers.
Please make your applications and we will deside.

We are like a familie and only will rekrut fair people with good behaviour !
Rieghts are giving fast...but also can be taken fast !
So please be fair to everybody and everyone will have hes chance for the team.

regards TomTom

TomTom Team owner
TomTom Team owner
Team & Server Owner
Team & Server Owner

Posts : 268
Reputation : 3
Registration Date : 2013-02-19
Age : 65
Country : Germany

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